Brisbane Bites is a group food review blog - born because we are going to be located in Brisbane for at least 6 months and have started a joint mission is to try at least one new restaurant a week. Hope you enjoy the ride!

Tuesday, September 28, 2010

San Kai - Japanese Modern Cuisine Lounge Bar

7 months in Brisbane, and this little gem that has opened up the road is still in its first month!  But what better place to start then around the corner from where we're staying!

Hayden had done some pioneering, and as a result, we booked a table of 8 for 7pm.   The decor was lovely - actually, that was one of the things that attracted us to the restaurant in the first place!   Seated just inside (but feeling alfresco as the window was wide open behind us) we enjoyed the weather and ambience of the place.

There was an extensive menu, and we all spent a lot of time studying it so we could decide what we wanted!   Eventually, we made up our minds and then the feasting began!

Stuart, who had eaten lunch at 3pm - was too full for a full meal - so he chose the Sashimi plate (supplemented by Asahi of course).   It was fresh and delivered fast.   5/10 (he felt that he couldn't give a bigger score since he only had one dish)

Leesa shared with Gary, but started with some vegetable tempura, before a generous main course of teriyaki chicken.   (8.5/10)

Leesa had some red wine.
Sacha who's been overdosing on vegetables lately, ordered some chicken yakitori before digging into the Vegetarian dinner box. (7/10)

Sacha had a cabernet savignon.

Ryan also had the Vegetarian dinner box (surprisingly!) but did steal some of Ann's sushi later.   (8.5/10)

Gary meanwhile spoilt himself with some pork tonkatsu.   (8.5/10)

Hayden dug into a Tempura Dinner box.   (8/10)   It also had some amazing grilled fish which was amazing.

He also had a chardonnay.

Whilst Ann enjoyed a yummy Sushi dinner box. (8.5/10)

She also had a plum wine.

Finally, I had a great Sashimi Dinner box.   The Sashimi was lovely and fresh, the rice was fluffy and I liked the seaweed on the dish.  The only downside was that the miso soup was a bit too salty.   The surprise of the night however was the chawamushi - a savory egg custard filled with goodies - chinese mushroom, chicken, prawn, bamboo and fish cake.   Delicious - I'd go back just for it!  

I also had a pokka guava drink which was yum!

I would give it 7/10 - their score was reduced as I was left waiting for my food....!

All the dinner sets finished off with some green tea ice cream which was a perfect way to round off a delicious meal.

I'm sure we'll be back (or the rest of the group anyway, as this is my last week in Brisbane!)

San Kai - Japanese Modern Cuisine Lounge Bar is at (approx) 164 Grey St,  South Bank - opposite the Mantra.

Friday, September 3, 2010

La Via Update!

Fast becoming our favourite Italian restaurant, we returned to La Via for Hayden's birthday.  

To our surprise and delight, the menu had been updated so we all had new choices in which to indulge ourselves.

Hayden had a chilli pizza.   Aimee and Ann shared a square Gnocchi and truffle Risotto.    Gary had a delicious smelling mushroom pizza - could smell the porcini mushrooms.   Sacha and Kylie had pizzas, whilst Stuart had the fish with clam chowder.

I decided to do the double entree and enjoyed rabbit arancini as well as a delicious scallop with squid ink linguini - beautiful!

Once again, La Via delivered and we all had a wonderful feast out!


We always like trying out new places, and were recommended to try out Caravanserai if we liked Turkish food.   Now, we all love Turkish food, and with a discounted banquet on a Tuesday night, we trotted out to Papaya Hill to try it out!

We rang and booked (last minute) but it was good as we got a table inside!  (It was quite a chilly night)   Not long after everyone arrived, we were served a wonderful antipasto plate.  Stuffed vine leaves, olives, dips, cheeses and a selection of leaves we enjoyed them with amazingly tasty, warm, fresh from the oven turkish bread - yum!!!

Unfortunately, after that, the service was exceedingly slow as we were basically the last table, and we watched delicious foods waft past with no joy.   We did all have a hot apple tea though which was moreish.

Eventually, we were served and the food was amazing.   Because we had a vegetarian, we had 2 vego and 2 meat dishes.   The vegetarian dishes consisted of a tasty lentil soup, as well as a dish of haloumi cheese and sweet potato.   The meat dishes were yummy meatballs and chicken skewers.  Delicious!

The piece de resistance however, was the plate of turkish sweets which topped off the night.   We tried an amazing short bread, a chocolate ball, baklava and chewy, rose infused turkish delight.   Amazing!

It's probably one of the best Turkish restaurants I've ever been too, and will definitely return when I am craving Turkish.   If you don't mind the wait, I'd give the place 8/10.

You can find Caravanserai at 1-3 Dornoch Tce West End 4101 QLD