Brisbane Bites is a group food review blog - born because we are going to be located in Brisbane for at least 6 months and have started a joint mission is to try at least one new restaurant a week. Hope you enjoy the ride!

Thursday, April 15, 2010

Ahmet's Turkish Restaurant

We were tossing up between Italian and Turkish tonight, but given the lack of wheels, we decided to keep it local and head down to South Bank for some Turkish.   Walking pass it always seemed quite busy, so I was quite keen to give the restaurant a go.

We entered from Grey St, and were lead through the delightfully coloured restaurant with great table cloths to a table on Little Stanley St.   Although the weather was still lovely, the lack of light dimmed our experience a little.

After we sat down, we ordered some wine (I chose apple tea) as well as some dips for entree.   We then proceeded to strain our eyes to read the menu.   

There were so many delicious sounding dishes to choose from but we eventually settled on the vegetable pide, a mixed grill platter and the Barramundi Kofte.

The dips arrived and we dug into the 6 with much gusto.   The selection we were presented with was:
    • hommus - good, but slightly bland - went well with the hot & spicy
    • avocado - good, but slightly bland
    • beetroot - delicious - my favourite 
    • hot & spicy - yum, with a good kick
    • pumpkin - really nice - but we thought it was carrot *lol*
    • haydari - too yoghurty for me, but Aimee & Gary liked it

      We then started enjoying the mains.   The vegetable pide was lovely and warm, and the cheese was at the perfect chewy / stretchy texture which made it great to eat.   

      Next, I tried the Barramundi Kofte - which Hayden called Turkish Fish & Chips.   The fish was a bit dry for Gary's liking, but eaten with the yummy potato, "tartae" sauce and salad, I thought it was quite nice.

      Finally, I sunk my teeth into the mixed grill.  I was hoping this was good because I chose it!   On the plate was a lamb cutlet - quite yummy, grilled chicken, lamb and beef skewers.  My favourite was the lamb skewer which was delicious!   

      After the entree and mains, Aimee and Gary were full, but having had my eye on the baklava since seeing it on the menu, Hayden and I couldn't resist.   I also had to order another apple tea  because it was so yummy!   

      The baklava was lovely and sweet - but not sickly sweet, and the pastry was fluffy lightness - I really enjoyed it - will have to bring my sister here when she gets a chance to visit.

      All in all, I quite liked it and would come back again.   I think the sharing of the dishes made it more enjoyable - I'm not sure that I would have enjoyed it as much if I only had 1 dish to eat on my own.   Also, I think if we had been indoors and could have enjoyed the ambience and light inside we would have had a better experience.   We had a great waiter though!

      So... ratings:
      Gary - 6.5/10 - some dishes were a bit dry and it was very dark
      Aimee - 7.5/10 - enjoyed it more last time when she was seated inside
      Hayden - 7/10
      Cindy - 8/10 - apple tea was awesome

      Until next time... happy eating!

      Ahmet's Turkist Restaurant is at Shop 10/164 Grey St South Bank

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