Brisbane Bites is a group food review blog - born because we are going to be located in Brisbane for at least 6 months and have started a joint mission is to try at least one new restaurant a week. Hope you enjoy the ride!

Friday, December 3, 2010

Beastie Burgers

Beastie Burgers are a favourite amongst our group - as their burgers range from beef, to seafood and chicken all done in style.   Although the piece-de-resistance are the chunky onions rings which are absolutely delicious!

Hence, when faced with a decision as to what to eat one Monday evening, I wandered down and ordered my takeaway feast.

I have to say, when we ate in the restaurant, I loved the onion rings - I thought the burger was ok.  But I was disappointed with the takeaway.   The onion rings are 100 times better fresh and my beef pattie was burnt. =(

Given that experience, I'm giving Beastie Burgers 5/10, although I think my fellow Brisbane Biters would be quite a bit more generous.

Beastie Burgers is at Shop 60d, Little Stanley Street, South Bank.

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